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When it comes to cooking and gastronomy, many people automatically think of international haute cuisine. True, but not absolutely.
Historical notes lead us back to the 15th century when in Italy the first works on cookery were written. Since then, publications and manuals on cookery have been endless.From the “simplicity” of a plate of pasta with tomato sauce and basil, to the “complexity” of a Burman tribe dish, we must be able to recognize the creative talent of who cooks it all.The basic ingredients are, undoubtedly, the material on which you rely for the success of a good dish. Intuition and creativity of the chef will be the soul of the dish itself. Helping to make happy a hard to please palate. Food is banquet and aggregation, since the dawn of time.
The chef is the “orchestra conductor” who plans the success of everything: the ability of combining dishes, selection and choice, preparation, cooking times, treatment, diversified between one type of raw material and the other, despite being of the same matrix, color composition to the finished dish.
Everything, from the selection of products, to serving into the dish, has a common denominator: the art of cooking. It is of little importance the academic origin of the dish, as to the treatment of the “packaging” it has undergone before reaching the table.
All of this is: culinary art.
Do you have creativity in one of these art forms? Send us your material to: info@dnheart.com o through contact form