12th January 1977
Melissa Mecenero.
I was born in a cold January morning and the first things I saw and felt were my parents and their warmth.
I grew up in a crazy family. I am the last of three siblings (a brother and two sisters). Together we turned our house into a kind of madhouse where we used to have fun and it seemed like everyone was doing something different, but actually we were doing the same thing: growing up. I learnt 90 percent of what you need to know about life by living with this tribe. Observing, appreciating details, capturing moments. Living the emotions of everyday life.
I attended the art school, I used to paint. I started taking holiday pictures, without any technical approach, only with the composition and the colour guide. I felt like waiting impatiently for getting home and developing all the films and reliving in those images the emotions of a summer now in the drawer of memories.
Mine was a normal adolescence, apart from the thousand calls “Meli…no more pictures”.
I painted for a long time, but then, after the birth of my daughter Alice in 2011, I realised that my “vocation” was photography rather than painting. I used to capture moments, her growth, her spontaneity, her eyes.
In 2014 I met the photographic association “Officina Fotografica” in Romagnano Sesia. I attended the basic course, I met professionals and I experienced different “genres”, but most of all I met fantastic people, as bright as a flashlight and I have a deep admiration and friendship for them.
I am co-founder, along with three other friends, of #collettivo17, a collective of documentary photography, created in 2018 in Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain). It is a multi-handed experiment supervised by the curator Laura Manione. The idea came out from both the passion for photography and from the idea of sharing a journey.
I love photographing music events, the street, the reportage and I am strongly passionate about portrait set. It is from the latter that my project “Un po’ più in là” (“A little bit further”) is born and has been realised in 2019.
A project realised in black and white, almost two years of work, spread over four seasons, but especially felt from my heart. A space-time travel, a return to childhood and, I add, a tribute to one of my favourite photographers, Robert Doisneau.
I am in continuous experimentation. I have a photo studio with my beloved friend Michele, who I am learning from the use of studio lights, since I am a lover of natural light, of course (ha…ha…ha…).
I believe in authenticity of emotions, in simplicity of sharing, in music – that is by my side wherever I go, even in my space-time travels.
I think photography is my best form of communication, the creed of my soul. I do not pretend to teach anything to anyone (except to my little girl that I put in the condition of learning rather than teaching her something), but to attest to the fact that Life has always the best copyright.
Email meceneromelissa@gmail.com
Cell +39 3392273267
instagram @melissamecenero
instagram @melissamecenerophoto