Marco Canova was born in 1977 and lives between London and Italy. He’s been scholar of Piera Bertarello, and later of visionary painter Antonio Massari resident in Milano since the 70’s. He also studied painting in Brera Accademy in Milan. Numerous are the expositions cooperating with studio D’Ars in Milano and with other galleries with which he works. He has also showed his works throughout Italy and abroad. He studied painting in Brera Accademy. “Contorted and controversial, feelings fall from colors of his paintings illuminated and composed. Few words, just like his being. An explosive impact. (Grazia Chiesa) “
Sito : https://www.gigarte.com/MarcoCanova/
Indirizzo Studio : Casale Molino 1 Graglia (Bi), Italia
Mobile: +39 349 1831310
Instagram: circus.canova