Digital art, also called computer art, dates back to the 50s when Manfred Frank and Ben Laposky, the first in Germany and the second in the States, began their experiments. They are not artists but programmers and mathematicians. Starting from rationalism and constructivism of Bauhaus, they gave an outburst to their artistic sensibilities, and, exactly in 1950, with the help of the oscilloscope, they created the first “oscillogram” giving life to distortions.
More than sixty years have passed and this form of art has, in itself, a future that sees it as the protagonist, almost uncontested. Even today, for example in Italy and, not only, such form of art is not known very much. Despite, daily, you have the possibility to admire how much and how this art is “before your very own eyes“, for example: commercials, films, video catalogues, photographs and various holograms, often one is or almost totally unaware about the fact that, even this form of art has not only its own reasons but, from being considered as such, creates and spouts emotions, which, depending on the spectator, will be acknowledged.
Do you have creativity in one of these art forms? Send us your material to: info@dnheart.com o through contact form