NFT CryptoArt

NFT – the form of art of this century – comes to life in 2014. At the New Museum in New York; thanks to godparents Anil Dash, entrepreneur and artist Kevin McCoy. The first NFT artworks, made and placed on…
Various Art Styles DNheArt©
NFT – the form of art of this century – comes to life in 2014. At the New Museum in New York; thanks to godparents Anil Dash, entrepreneur and artist Kevin McCoy. The first NFT artworks, made and placed on…
Come forma d’arte – quella dell’intrattenere – affonda radici lontane. Basti pensare alle società tribali attorno al fuoco. Dove: l’anziana guaritrice del villaggio, il cacciatore, il cantastorie ed il guerriero; si sedevano e radunavano tutti i componenti della tribù per…
Illustrative Art is brought to life in Egypt. The Egyptians, with religious images, were the first ones to creative this type of art by drawing on papyri. Subsequently, the Romans, with the use of animal leather, mainly calf, created the…
It is the sector within DNheArt where you can admire the processing capacity of: wax, rope, leather, paper, wood, stone, glass and fiber.Artists and craftsmen give daily life artifacts of refined artistic work, starting from natural raw materials. Artists ManonudoBruno Giovanni…
Social class, worship, ethnicity and religions – have always had the lowest common denominator: the desire for beauty. Since ancient times, women and men have sought after and pursued the need to appear more keen. From the refinement to create…
This art form, fundamentally, brings together artists who are able to try on more fronts. From the processing, to sculpture, engraving, by way of: painting, performance, installation, set design and music. When the DNheArt© project was in its research stage for the making of the logo and materializing the idea of…
Art Manufacturing skinsfabricswoodpapermineralsleathermetalstissuesetc. etc.. Artists Antonello Frau Do you have creativity in one of these art forms? Send us your material to: o through contact form
engineering design, minimalism, car design, industrial design Interior design , flower design , cake design …… design has infinite possibilities of development and realization starting from the most conventional design of an architect , to get to a thousand sectors…
Poetry art is “creation“. The meaning of the word poetry is creation. In verses, in music, in theatre, in proses, in sonnets, in acting, in monologues, in operetta and, in any other way you want to identify it, poetry is fundamentally a state of grace that soothes everyday life. Even when a simple message “takes poetry“, the meaning, the sound of the sequence of the…
Digital art, also called computer art, dates back to the 50s when Manfred Frank and Ben Laposky, the first in Germany and the second in the States, began their experiments. They are not artists but programmers and mathematicians. Starting from rationalism and constructivism of Bauhaus, they gave an outburst to their artistic sensibilities, and, exactly in 1950, with the help…