Sandra Cerrone – born in Biella on July 7th 1960.
My arthistic journey started around ’80.
At the beginning of ’90 I approach to the futuristic painting for an abstract geometry reseaech.
In 1991 I take part to my first exhibition in Casale M.to.
In 1992 l attend to “Centro Studi Leonardo” in Biella. At the end of this course, my second collective.
In springtime of 93-94-95 l attended to some exhibitions in Casale M.to for “San Giuseppe” fair.
During the next years I improved my techique and I partecipated to many exhibitions.
In 2011, after an exhibition in Biella with local painters I created an exhibitor space and in september I opened my workshop with a personal exhibition.
Today I’m paintig as well in my workshop in Cerrina where’ re exhibit all my works.