Already known as a painter, Monica Catto is marking her debut by directing her first short films. She thus confirms her eclectic personality open to new forms of artistic representation; whether in motion or in the immobility of a painting, art is never static, and through it sensations, thoughts, emotional states flow. A short film is art, history, image in motion, “look at it as an oil painting, as if it were my new canvas” Monica says. Art is a need both for the creator and the viewer, so Monica feels the pressure to share her own vision through other means than painting; she chooses to do it with movement and music, an element essential to amplifly the emotions, encouraging the public to stimulate their imagination and senses. And this is the innovative element of Monica’s new creative experience. Paying attention to details, having a mood ready for any personal interpretation and an open heart: these are the elements which will lead the audience into the hidden side of the mind, through internal conflicts common to most of us, down to the deepest recesses of our soul, from which Monica’s drawn her stories. She investigates her inner self, exploring lights and shadows which torment the inner world of every human being, fears, doubts, conflicts, the deep sense of loneliness facing the inevitability of life. If we look at her work in this way, we’ll find ourselves, fragile and fallacious.
Art is not only a need but a relief too.
email. catto.art@gmail.com