I was born in Biella in 1954.
My anarchist thought does not make me uniform with the description of the world the majority of us trust .
Always in search of the “One” where everything returns to be perfect , beyond good and evil , darkness and light, dream and reality. I try, regardless of my personal meaning, to give the possibilities for the people who look at my art to think at their own interpretation.
Being inspired by Protagoras , Sartre , Castaneda and countless others , I think the
reality is individually unique and not globalizable , lived between joy and anguish waiting for the “Great Leap” .
Even if I’m not into any kind of religion, I’m looking for my own way to make sense of
this Divine Relativity.”
Giuseppe Aceto
“Giuseppe Aceto, or the art of hallucination: a lucid and tender madness through the investigation introscopica their agitation.
Iconology maddeningly visionary; frantic stages of paths to search for the other on their own and “beside himself.”
Spasmodically empirical relationship with the objective nature in an attempt to shape it or adapt it better to the inner nature.
Recalls JHFussli: load values ??ambiguous, obscure, esotiche.Mostra that “awareness of a different and unknown dimension of the mind, of the decisive presence of the other message recepibile but not be rationalized”
“Giuseppe Aceto removes the expression domain of reason freeing the creative imagination by drawing on the primary source of the dream, creating their own reality and symbolic language.
Painted with all kinds of means; any object used reveals a mechanism imaginative, a progressive need to alter the balance rational communication aesthetics.
Recalls Munch, through provocative exasperation color disturbs the viewer by transmitting the emotional intensity provoked and supported by perceptions
excited and deliberately over-the creative act.
It remains a strong component of apparent spontaneity, immediacy of composition, almost a flap associated to the suggestions of tribal African or Central American.
In fact, the literary and artistic references refer to Castaneda and experience Thaitiana Gauguin.
An awakening of the primordial; instinctivity a yearning, a hymn to the joy of making art. “
Carlo Nicolo
mail: gaceto1@gmail.com
mobile: +39 340 24 74 265