Gabriella Cinti, in art Mystis was born in Jesi, near Ancona. She studied Modern Literature at the University of Genoa, and completed her PhD at Università di Roma 2 Tor Vergata. Poetry is presently her subject of study, as well as philosophy of language, anthropology, archaeology of European languages, etymology with a specific accent on ancient Greek poetry, which she also interprets in the framework of various art and theatre events.
Poetry collections: Suite per la parola, Péquod, Ancona, 2008, awarded the 2008 Premio Nabokov poetry prize 2008; Euridice è Orfeo, Achille e la Tartaruga, Torino, 2016 (reviewed by Franco Manzoni in Corriere della Sera); Madre del Respiro, Moretti e Vitali, 2017, with an introduction by Alberto Folin.
Critical production: Il canto di Saffo-Musicalità e pensiero mitico nei lirici greci, Moretti e Vitali, Bergamo, 2010 with an introduction by Angelo Tonelli, awarded the Premio speciale Città di Cattolica 2012, and the second prize for a critical work by Cinque Terre-Golfo dei Poeti 2013. Her poems are featured in a number of poetry anthologies.
Reviewed in various literary newspapers and magazines and literary and cultural blogs.
Guest of various festivals and international literary reviews and protagonist of various interviews and cultural broadcasts.
Unpublished works: the poems in her new collection Euridice a Orfeo were awarded the Press Poetry Prize at Concorso di Poesia “Città di Acqui Terme” 2012, the first prize at Concorso Rodolfo Valentino Sogni ad occhi aperti, 2013, and Viaggio verso l’uno, awarded the second prize by Concorso Acqui Terme’s other jury. The poetry Madre del respiro awarded the second prize by Concorso “Laudato sie mi’ Signore” 2017 and Euridice è Orfeo bookreached the final atthe Concorso Internazionale “Città di Como” 2017 ,“Guido Gozzano” 2017, al Premio Internazionale Il Golfo 2019; Madre del respiro book reached the final attheConcorso Internazionale “Città di Como”, 2017. Furthermore, Madre del respiro book, ufficially notisted at the Premio Lorenzo Montano 2017.
First prize in the international competition Albero Andronico, Roma nel 2018 with Euridice è Orfeo Cinti and with Madre del respiro, 2020, Third prize at PREMIO D’ECCELLENZA “Città del Galateo – Antonio De Ferraris”, 2021. Special Jury Prize at the International Poetry Prize Principe Boncompagni Ludovisi 2021, with award ceremony in Campidoglio.
Has published critical works in different specialized reviews, such as Mosaico, Rio de Janeiro’s Brazilian Universities, 2014, Le Parole e le Cose, 2021, La Presenza di Erato.
Translated into English and Modern Greek.
Savannah of air,
today’s dawning exploded
as in the Cambrian period,
oxygen of the gods
for the trilobites, pillars of life,
the world’s first eyes,
and for me, dreaming bipod.
The time of myth encircles me
in a ring, pulverizing
hierarchies of memory.
The ceremony of breathing
mimics the rhythm of flight aboard
the clouds, to reach you.
I nourish the word of red dances,
carnelians of sound
to spell the origin.
At seven in the morning
the china clay of dream
whitens me for the ritual.
I sail the family of the living
flashes of water
for the sacred transmigration
at the start of the universe.
Sprinkled with beginnings,
I swim time
between liquid totems
and ecstasies of ancient oceans,
swishing with the first sacred shudders.
Transcending backwards,
in a cosmogenic Plunge
into the Palaeozoic heart of the abyss,
to shatter the origin
in the supreme prodigy of form.
translation of Brenda Porster
from “PRIMA”, Puntoacapo edizioni, Pasturana (Al), 2022