Annamaria Gelmi | Installations


Annamaria Gelmi was born in Trento, where she currently lives and works.

She studied at the Art Institute in Trento, at the Brera Academy in Milan and at the Venice Academy.

She held her first exhibition in Trento at the Mirana Gallery in 1970. At that time she started to work with materials like plexiglas, methacrylate and other plastics. As a result she gave birth to works that played with transparency and to others, consisting in large acetate sheets with basic geometric shapes drawn upon them with indian ink that projected shadows while hanging in a room, involving the surrounding space.

Of this period are the writings by U. Appolonio, S. Branzi, B. D’Amore, L. Serravalli, A. Veca and the solo exhibitions in galleries like Il Traghetto – Venezia, Pancheri – Rovereto, Studio SM13 – Rome, Arte Struktura – Milan, Tardy Enschede – Holland, Indiano Grafica – Florence, Spatia – Bolzano.

In 1978 she was invited to Murano for a residency. There she shaped glass together with the master glaziers, creating various works.

1990 – In this period she created the iron, stone and brass sculptures/installations (Il giardino dell’altrove, Il labirinto, Mistero Sacro, Il giardino) and the book SKY LINE, which was presented at the 46th Biennale Internazionale in Venice. Of this period are the writings by G. Nicoletti, F. Gallo, C. Cerritelli, S. Zanier, R. Turrina , D. Collovini, E. Schloker, G. Bonomi, F. Gualdoni, V. Coen and the solo exhibitions in museums and galleries like Goethe – Bolzano, Museo Tridentino di Scienze – Trento, Grigoletti – Pordenone, MART Museo d’Arte Moderna – Trento, Galleria Civica – Trento, Museion Intercolummnie – Bolzano, Museo Casa Bianca Malo – Vicenza, Rocca Paolina – Perugia, Cassa dei Carraresi – Treviso, Galleria Comunale d’Arte contemporanea “Ai Molini” – Portogruaro, Italian Culture Institute – Vienna.

Since the year 2000 she has been presenting works made of iron. M. Mojana, F. Batacchi, B. Braun, M. Scudiero, G. Campolieti and E. Pouchard wrote about her. She hold exhibitions in public spaces like the SS. Giacomo e Filippo Church – Andora, the Faculty of Theology of the University of Innsbruck, the Italian Institute – Innsbruck and the Studio Lattuada – Milan.

In 2003 she participated at the shows CONSERVATION in New York, Situazioni at the MART in Rovereto and Cucinarte at the showroom Minoti.

In 2004 she hold solo exhibitions at the Galleria Misuraca – Cefalù, at the municipality of Cison di Valmarino – Treviso and participated at the group exhibitions All’ombra di Bramante (outdoor scuplture) and Foto, Progetti, Disegni at the Extra Moenia gallery – Todi.

In 2005 she held two exhibitions: one at the Hofburg Museum – Innsbruck and the second at the Rocca Pallavicini – Ponticelli d’Oniga near Piacenza titeled Viaggio oltre il reale – il labirinto. In 2006 she held the exhibition Fuori luogo comune at the Castle of Pergine near Trento and participated at various simposia in Italy and abroad.

In 2007 she held exhibitions at Cà Lozzio Oderzo – Treviso (Sculture), at the Galleria Transarte – Rovereto, at the Biennale di Venezia (Camera312 – Il viaggio), at the Palazzo Roccabruna – Trento (Artebianca), at the Galleria Perl’a – Venice, at Gallery ExG – Pàlkàne in Finland, at the international Art Exhibition A Day in Minden in Kakarbhitta – Nepal (curated by Rafique Sulayman).

In 2008 she exhibited at xx912 fabrika (archivio Vinile), at the M.I.M. Museum in San Pietro in Cerro – Piacenza, at the parallel event of Manifesta 7 ACTIONS and at the Biennale di Gubbio.

In November she is invited to the Departament of Sculpture Institute of Fine Arts Dhaka in Bangadlesh

In 2009 she held exhibition at museum Hofburg Innsbruck (Wind and Poppyns) 

In 2010 she participated at exhibition “International of Sculpture” Castello di Raconigi Torino, and to show a Book” Dolomiti New York” at the museum MART Rovereto TN exhibition “Gelmi” Castello di Rivara

2011 she participated at exhibition “International of Sculpture” Villa Torlania in Roma,

“Dolomiti New York”, Spazio Italia Monaco,Parlamento Europeo Bruxelles, “Blak to Blak” Castello di Rivara Torino, “Pretiosa” Gallery Varart Firenze, La Regola della Mano Destra” Museum MAGI Bologna 

2012 she partecipated at the following exhibitions:
Salerno, “Italia Contemporanea”, Grancia sala Consilina presentation by Boris Brollo;

Latina,  “33 Donne Amorose”, by Emanuela Bianchi e Massimo Pompeo;

Fidenza Village, “Man and Nature- Reciprocity”;

Milano, “In rete”,  Gallery Transparent, by B. Brollo;

Venezia Mestre,“Geography Alice”, Gallery 3D,  by A. De Stefani;

Altare (Sv),“Altare Vetro”,  Museo dell’arte vetraria , by M. Chirico e E. L’Acqua;

Montegrotto Terme (Pd),“Non solo libri” , Biennale Internazionale del libro d’artista, Museo Internazionale del Vetro.

2013 she partecipated at the following exhibitions:

Latina, “Il viaggio immaginario”, Casetta della musica, by Leonardo Faccioli e Massimo Pompeo;

Rivara (To), “Equinozio d’autunno”, Castello di Rivara, by Franz  Paludetto;

Rovere’ della luna (Tn), “Croci Incroci”;

Torino, “Non solo libri”, Civic Library Villa Amoretti, by Ruggero Maggi;

Graz, “Frage – Zeichen”, Universität Graz;

Mestre, “Limite”, Gallery 3D, by Adolfina De Stefani e Gaetano Salerno;

Piegaro (PG), “Altare vetro Arte”, Museo del vetro di Piegaro;

Benevento, “Viaggio immaginario – omaggio a Massimo Faccioli”, ARCOS Museum of Contemporary art, by Leo Faccioli e Massimo Pompeo;

Cavalese (Tn), “L’immagine terrestre”, Centro Arte Contemporanea, by Elio Vanzo.


“Infinito presente”, Diocesan Museum – Trento, by Andrea Dall’Asta, Domenica Primerano, Riccarda Turrina.

In 2015 she presented in Rome some handmade books in “Opere e Libri” at the National Gallery of Rome.

In 2016 she made several installations including an important installation in the cathedral of S. Jacob – Innsbruck, “Oltre il Sacro” by G. Larcher; one in the Campari Wall Gallery – Milan, with Eden and more recently the installation Leukos at the Diocesan Museum – Trento.

In 2017 she worked in Venice and participated in: “Without Land”, Biennale Architettura – Collateral Event curated by Boris Brollo

Furthermore she was present at:

Trento – Galleria Civica, “Almanacco 70. Architettura e Astrazione”, by Campomarzio, Margherita de Pilati and Gabriele Lorenzoni;

Latina, “Arte a Scuola. Impressione – Tributo a Mirella Bentivoglio”, curated by Leonardo Faccioli and Massimo Pompeo;

Vicenza – Valmore Studio d’Arte, “Geometrie nello Spazio”.

In 2018 she held his personal and collective exhibitions at:

Biella – Museo Macis, “La Vespa nella Storia e nell’Arte” curated by Mark Bertazzoli;

Graz (Austria) – University of Graz, Faculty of Theology, “Croci Incroci”, curated by Hans Walter Raukenbauer;

Riva del Garda (Trento), “ArteForte”, curated by Mariella Rossi.


+39 329 417 6704   


L’arte fa bene al cuore


Trans Limite

Sequenza - collage cm.35x50 cd.jpg