Angelica Zagaria | Aneira Studios | Scenography


Aneira Studios scenografie was born in Turin in 2018 from the idea of ​​the founder Angelica Zagaria.

The beating heart that ignites all the work is passion, love, creativity, professionalism, and dedication.

Aneira Studios creates a special connection with each of its clients and collaborators to give the best in each of its creations and to instill the values ​​mentioned above.

Each scenography is full of in-depth study and analysis to be able to make what was first just an idea in the director’s mind become reality.

A quote in which the study takes enormous inspiration and is reflected in it is from the renowned physicist and creative Albert Einstein who says:

 “Often everyone is convinced that something is impossible to achieve, until a naive person who doesn’t know it comes along and achieves it.”

The sectors in which Aneira Studios operates are the following:

  • Theater
  • Cinema
  • Installations
  • Video clips
  • Photographic shootings
  • Scene props
  • Scene Decoration
  • Stage carpentry


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